all contents subject to copyright by me, of me, for me.

Thursday, December 20


on earth as on
a cold treadle
both feet set
the bastion
spreading veins
down out ending
oh and motion
returning combustion
sweat and breaths
before getting rest


each rabbit runs
peculiar ears feet
are extremities alike

Wednesday, December 19


suddenly a fly
winter demented
effortful wings
beating the ceiling
but not expectation
to emerge unknown
and in the corner
spider ever rest

Tuesday, December 18


besides all which is known
lies the yoke
the one with bark
the cruel stove
with curls of smoke


here and there
minutes ascending
blowing airs
dicing tips
fingers fissures
blood red bears
diamagnetic yeses
north by north
east trusses


finally arrived
at the river
edge lined
in silver
tricks the
waves play with

Thursday, December 13


at lunch at lunch
in cups in spoons in mouths
at dinner at dinner
heat spilling through fingers
the water within inches
dishes spilling blisses
rigatoni and chopinesques
harmonies on several fingers

then then then the next
beats turning piss pink
debris fill sink
compost frozen
futures to bring


under every bolt
rust doth corrupt
threads ever dealt
a near death hands
turns at the wheel
off and on again
torqued to onerous

Wednesday, November 21


all there
riven and mended
in so many hours
at last haven

docked walked
descended embarked
hooked reeled
cutted served


a hemisphere
an influence
a convergence
an isotope

the heavens render
a seagull
a snow
a slow grey
the hearth red

a cord of wood
wont stack itself
get to work
make the corners
sock it in between

Tuesday, November 20


deep in the dirt
my beets cook whole
under water over flame
skin gives way
to thumb bites
red is good tonight


last train in at one am
up stairs to emerge under
square vaults of stars
streets where tired
businessmen shamble past
the pizza crackheads
dressed in wrecked etchasketches
and the international set
murmurers against walls lost but
huddled tired rich
looking for options they heard
exist I exit
over the maddening slush north
to sleep while the traffic seethes


off course we wheel
about languid
finally landing
in an unfamiliar
ark double parked
twice as long as round

the snow falls
the city stalls
arriving to depart

Monday, November 12


from the precipice
a swamp extant.
a breath extemporaneous
expelled by that gad
talking often of
the earth. soft:
the poplar; the cachou
sweetening whos orange
teeth, which, cacodylic
acid like, act to organize
the earth into pseudostasis
measures when level
where necessary even
splices chawed twice,
nary any gd&t mereley
a fixed oddysean system
participant in practice
stoic as locus


not one but two
not some but few
not them but you
not friends but choose
not ends but news
not winds but lose
not now but soon

Monday, November 5


one afternoon looks
upon all the geese
a big sun
and a broken field 
they alight among
yellow plastic bags
other trash too
stuck to corn stalks
they talk of soy beans
ejected from the tenant
farmers cash crop

Sunday, November 4

the migrants

robins not one to
disappoint appealing to
one who likes to
look at birds to
see flocks fly to
occupy a tree to
try with wind with wings
and descend to
find worms or to
stay steady and to
be so much

Tuesday, October 30


us is why
a question


if october is a drum
then november is the fingers
numbed by beating
bluster does the hide make
two eyes tasked to find
a north a
magnet asks still mine

much adieu

the new rain
knocks on the new
eaves overtures
over the new
singles into multiples
how the turtle felt
steeped in razor grass
sentences wet with todo
a weekend away

in hot water

a few seconds while
the spaghetti cooks
boiling choices

rice is solemn
wheat is pleasant

don't get going
on those pseudo grains

dash off with of course
knife and fork
spoon in hand
greatest time ever had
watching the pot toil

Monday, October 29


a yard full of nails
is better than
a roof full of holes

Sunday, October 28


can i see for weeks
my breath express
condense depends
which room asks
for woven relief
mercurial bother heat
the answer teached
is yesterdays news
or to those
skilled in the art of
sweater sweater no sweat

Saturday, October 20


a scent of heavy lifting
arms and back breaking
laboring over potentials
and then potent potables
a fall ago enters embers
but first
the arid birch bark
smoke precedents and spaghetti
staples i seek

Friday, October 19

october again

almost cold enough
basil green now rust
apples with bites
squirrels into dust

Tuesday, October 9


a screw driver turns
a thumb blood
red complementary
to the blues

Friday, October 5

things rearrange

on the corners the borders
when once gold
every night takes tolls
the idle growth gets old

a pattern develops
some intermittent
erratic and close up
static light in\spite
wave lengths so goes
cold from away makes

on the porch
ash a maple
oak etcetera
some with mud
in a month dust 


yellow at the window
in the kitchen
a reminiscence

white flowers bushy
dendrites reach out
knee brush

slow grass longs
a brittle eigth
anticipates frost

past time

for every baseball
thrown some remain
at home immobile
in stitches over
those judged to be
a strike a foul

Thursday, October 4


the summer deep bows
now become shallow
from the roots
cantilevered and proof
of all the sun revokes
moving north to off
where the charts fall apart

Wednesday, October 3


Shimmying Bug!
Yes, you with the wings
     twice   bodice
antennae twice that too

feel me
with    those
corrugated uninhibitors

Monday, October 1


now the cold tap
pours warm
filling three decades
of october hands
a gradient to climb

over night she downs
settles into the corners
the cuffs and steps
bare feet take heed
phonons left each

Saturday, September 29


talk turns to cats
thats a fact
big ones bad some
others pretending to know
how the world ends

one or no less

in chromatic steps
expect that breath
to take and hold
eyes closed ears old
teeth set in broken bones
back alley thrones
the king of those



let the house cool
all september waiting
to wake to frost
curled under wool
hardly crickets soft

Monday, September 17


indices in september
let the sun go on
reducing the locus which
for the iris resides
looking in farther
it seems to go with
the west ice cream sandwich
to both melt in static
staff lines prodigious
howling and warning of rats
all ways just enough
time time time

Thursday, September 13


a study in contrast
the black eye susan
the golden rod
with the same stalks
the breeze bobs
different yolks

deep summer green
all the difference it seems
leafs left waiting for sun
over the horizon
scudding low into late
arms adsorbent stretch
out to put another ring
on around time

Tuesday, September 11


doffed as ducks in drops

often as must is never enough

from the coffee cups

to the orbits

of tomatos around tongue

and again after

the red sky has done

Tuesday, September 4

bed a canoe

these sheets include
spider eight legs fast and
accessory hardware
webs and dead bugs
blood spots and small rocks
available without too
but that costs lots

Friday, August 31

round and round

though four but at least one
a wheel is not a number
the zero denominator
a shape of road hum
homily on the roll
some a torus
so much moves us
from vulcan to defacto

Sunday, August 26


divinity in wings
red center ending
in light passing
winds at speed
spreading a web
even in cheating
partial differential
integral deference

Thursday, August 23

on par

the feet recon
with the rest of concern
the hands the eyes
the head that learns
with effort and effect
across the globe walks
in search of a ball
hit and hit and oft lost

Wednesday, August 22

summer as any

may be hot
may be cold

may be the temperature
of the tree
may be the temperance
of the bee

prone to call
honey a home
apt to find
sun in rain

the soft notes of night
bends of bows
ends of waves
some are made

Saturday, August 18

ninety eighty

wheel we ditch
in events of this
symmetry is with it
knee deep in thistle
heels to cigs
visions shivers
under close cloud
colors prisms covers
two by two
wings on milkweed
with iris wishes
next visits makes its
star crossed minutes
on all our digits

Thursday, August 16

dids and its

here goes so much
the ears of august
sounds all dust bound
once a year
drawn out often enough

lambdas in silence
as a lamp is lit
period if its seen

a lagrange point
a fulcrum
one to one

Tuesday, August 14

after noon

here it is
the sun
boiling me into
a gin and tonic
a bent pine
on ice not one to
expire or show the breeze
how to shoo
the bugs away

Monday, August 13

in town

the most personal detail
may be the smallest bug
puncturing your back
an itch without a lack for words
resources left at the curb
unattended roses whos toes
find every thorn
or that crow of late
early evening dead
branches holding up one

Wednesday, July 25

zion is to godzilla as e- is to ____

on a trivalent beach
over a tritium sea
see the seagulls
full of each and every
possible being
been there and done
move over no one
isotope or argon
the future is past
and gone


back road
float unlit
window split
to let
the crickets in

Sunday, July 15


here is the midnight
moon asking me to be
food again
traces of drought leafs
float into eel
drowned mouths
scale the bottom
with no way out
let this record set
in mud it must
lest lifted up

eels return
only to turn dead


high tops deep green
lets the sun settle in even
into crazy splotches
on moss and brown hands
most of us bones
most bones of us
knuckles that nestle
another and one other
eyes oaks granite outcrops
edges ever restless under
summer endless nights


white as the sun
wings inside wind
visits is eyes
on or of
waves crests
troughs breaks
sights in lines
or semi-infinites
planes incomparable

like corsairs they flew


here is the cicada
before august
after dinner
at least most
wind sits still
one done drone on

Saturday, June 30

yard birds

blue black purple
spots adorn my soles
some from mulberry
shading the yard out back
another from a puck
grabbed out of thin aire
to save the day

the squirrels eat and get fat
falling into a lazy spot
a miss of paws
possibly drunk

Monday, June 25

where have all the miners gone

elk on tailings
scraping by
half a mind
to tell them no
go waste time
upon some other pile
yet to be tried
than this broke while
half a mine
all grime all ice
a black eye
in the hill side
timbers dripping filling
a cave worth a lie

Tuesday, June 19


nose over the stove
coffee into closed eyes
awakened to the smell of
constant staccato
spelling white
spilling flight
into mirrors
temporary worth
immeasurable potential
immense weight
ballasts this
everything left
timings right


here it is rain
available vailances
the hottest earth
springs unwound
into oblivion listing
grass and brush combed down
petals and links crossed
we eat at ten and again
wet in the kitchen listen

Saturday, June 16


dark an atmosphere
after nine
after all
 eleven stalls
drops and sparks hot spots
off course brought to top and dropped
to settle on rocks and arcs
and asterix and ask
the angles what wings are for
if the wind lifts us this
if the water tips whitest
and that we know thou
the list
the prosper
on belies bailing
from the dock holding onto
gunwales just
above the river
tastes of july
take a swim

in the rain

a light flashes
a lithe branches
a little green
a little sorrow
a little late
a little sorrow
a lilt tomorrow
a lit aura
a lift landed
a life handed
a list dashes
a live backyardashes

Wednesday, June 6


to saw and hack
to chop and sweat
to work in other words
to  stink and sing

to breath and bleed
to beacon in other words
to stop and swat at
to stop caring and be bitten
to be needled in other words
to bleed and feed
to give and recieve not
to be important in other words

up and down

up and down
(or how i learned to stop worrying and love the canoe)

on sandy beach
one branch reaches
peak heat

blue skies
back swarms
black flies

whisky for dinner
grit and bitter
wishes in there

teeth bare the sun
a chariot a aluminum
prows bows hum drum

for you for ever
oro y plombo
permeable and mosquito

gnaw it all night
goose it all day
hoof it any way

enervated levels
water settles
current left trestles

dings and dents
holes and rents 
patches near spent

water this side
water that side
paddled or d(i)ed

Monday, June 4


away and out on the plane
farther than the reach of shadows
harbors where mosquitos
slows and ejects bloods flows

rolling down river
emollience in shallow
scudding along on sand
solving ripples
and other mysteries
yet perplexed
by the plethora
of fish set before
the king's dead throne
who hasn't caught a bite
like me a subject

to the black flies

Sunday, June 3


the current digs deep
black water traps
semi-8 on thother side
boundary conditions apply
a depth to drop
hats thoughts skulls lots
thats in hellos and goodbyes
sinks and swims
arms and givens
reaching for blind eyes
under fallen trees
and dragon flies

Saturday, June 2


the sweetest tree
apply within bee
apple with in windy

days to gaze
branches lofty sways
green softly and mothly shades

roundest honey
bites crisp
as money

Friday, June 1

t'other or another

with one foot in
this river
with one eye on
this river
which ever skies
ebullience on miles
efforts to get into heaven
one is granite steps
one isobaric grains set
piled forever current
the leafs that brush
and bend to touch
hands held out to hold as much


canoes high and mighty
even when high and dry
essential elements
dings and dents
compilations of earths crusts
gunwhales soft chines
sheen as dimes dull
by the dint of sunset
bows crest the bluff
and pass we west
ease is east
C'est l'aviron qui nous mène

Wednesday, May 23

spring edges

ifs missives compositions and compressions
scale coils mise-en-scene minutes mirages
minks spring boxes and swamps
star crafts rocks into willow oak copse

may flies

thickets and exnihilo wishes
positions between miller indices
individual midges lace hinges
tracing letters ej ded okay

Thursday, April 26


no bird is blacker
with a redder wing
from the cats' tail top
raucous and self righteous
contender for swamp
harbinger of spring

Sunday, April 22


remember the jump
off the dock is darkness
only moving moon nails
the other side of south
bay is black
against the stars
and glow of gan
a few geese try
the air they breath
same as you and me

Tuesday, April 17


wind spills a sweater
onto aching shoulders
disposed there
between the maple grains
a thin week
buckwheat and saccharides
barely able to pull the sheets
over eyes dumb with sleep

Monday, April 16


in april still i
a dragon waking up
stalking through the house
picking up sticks
heated breath
streaming out over
a shallowing cup of murky
double letters lighting irisis

ideal heat exchange

an isochoric wind
sends timbers
shivering finding
splits to play
whistles to send
sounds for those
midnight hours
when skunks
diagrams spilling
over the brim of cups
are only awake

Saturday, April 14


in april still i
a dragon waking up
stalking through the house
picking up sticks
heated breath
streaming out over
a shallowing cup of murky
double letters lighting irisis
matching is the scorched boron
doped with maple and oak
a mean free path
measured in units the stoves cast

Friday, April 13


going place
knotted laces
treads smooth traces
aces and deuces

pigeons to the wind scatter
wings black with backlit
so much of them a seagull
never in a tree never just one

Saturday, April 7


by the seventh set
the sun nets the clock
hands tasked to conduct
guide the flux
from wood to dust
shins appreciate the warmth
the cast of black
percolates and does
better to fingers bitten
with cold and letters
set in tombs

Monday, April 2


the eagles wheel before the cart
sundog auspice starts
forget lunch whisky christians
bathe the bow and the flow
tongues too lest we go down
ballast stowed and rowed
under a shadow of pelicans

jurassic moon luster of aluminum
shell floating still so well
heeling on beaver cache stacks
even on river bars mud drunk
silent as the fire lasts

the roar of the crowd

mid flight a diamond
looks like any other
baseball leather hemispheres
stitched polygon clefts appear

Sunday, April 1


one month among many
weeks spent bending knees
by the lake as the great waves
water in against the wind
west to east lifts these trapezius

ginger and garlic such garlands
from a hand to a tongue
working over crumbs
hunger and biting dice

sums spent thinking on ice
hinges going back to ways
weak new clear forces
pulling and pushing all the same

Sunday, March 25


awful isn it
to read a micrometers limit
the threads finite
measure a finish
with that lurid flourish
given to digits

uncertainty has a place and withinit
paces athwart insignificant

Saturday, March 24

among the karst

burnt by the sun
a moment too soon
to leave one shirt on

the cactus lattice
left skeletons attics
asks for bees static
clots of rocks
trips on knots
a bird a thought
a few a lot

Sunday, March 18


lasts summers garlic
lobes summed from
the some one others formula
are all
eaten best before
the next batch
of winter stores
and all
gone a sizzle
pan absent fissile
lists of spaghetti etcetera
staple dreams feed hunger
am all
patience is a garden


hands burn through
holding onto edges
the river crystals
ribs steaming out
silence vigils
limbs halo
moon hollow

sight blood spots
stops in blind ice
compressive stresses
break continents spilling
phalanx of perch
narrow lines
scales weighed
bay to bay


flames keep us
calendars turn torch
open water blessings
ice cold next to nothing

Saturday, March 10


Who is reading this stuff? 
Let me know asap for a chance to win big.

any may

in the gulf of granite
a round of golf six holes
the rough deep as the water
standing tree tall tee ball
the sun sets orange slice damnit

Thursday, March 8

by any name

rump of racoon moon
yellow tooth moon
yukon gold moon
half dug potato moon
many on the river wind moon
no hurry in heaven moon
carps and the snails moon
moths flowers dews moon
light enough just
to tip the fish scale moon

Wednesday, March 7

stove in

besides us who
in this house is hot enough
to take skin off blood
not couch not chair
not chair not chair
not chair not chair
not chair nor table
alive but they could
wouldnt couldnt they
potential is
to go on pretending
and betting on never ending
is to say that some thing
that icarus said
the skys the limit
a waxing moon minutes
lets the golf game go on
longer next innings

Monday, March 5


to when
all eyes err at thirty
diagram arms dense yard spread
north air taxes on interests
plus three mercury
standing to see the stove pipe breathe
while robins belie belief
a decent flight in
before nights descent

Saturday, March 3


have one
have some
knuckles plenty
chords struck
intervals evenly
boards cut
black radii
burnt by
sun loci
focus so i


past midnight brass
pine timber within
a burnished flame
as all bugles
sound from miles away


the robber wind
whips up spray
leans trees
dreams of heat
speaks down the chimney
looks for salient flames
drafts chilblains and many other names

Monday, February 26

The Birthday Skunk

The Median* Birthday Skunk
Everytime we see a skunk, someone’s birthday is nigh.  Whether winter or spring or fall or summer, a skunk may lumber out of the shadows on any Montreal night.  Especially near the mountain. 

However, the last time I saw the birthday skunk was elsewhere, late at night, walking home.  We had just made it across the field that was maybe where Doctor Zhivago was filmed and were at the Lachine Canal, right on that little bridge over the inlet to the horse barns.  And out of the dark comes a big fat skunk onto the bridge.  Having learned why the chicken crossed the road, it was all too easy to guess why the skunk was crossing the bridge.  The skunk was right here, deep in the critique of pure reason, to answer the question too. 

Maybe we were not paying attention and thought the animal was a fat cat with short legs or a raccoon with a small head so we walked out onto the bridge rather impetuously.  Resolving the white racing stripes, though, we stopped in midstep close to the middle with about nine feet of no-man’s-land.  The birthday skunk didn’t heed us at first either, or maybe expected the right of way, and stopped in a huff. 

For a minute and a half we all paused, gauging up who was going to yield the bridge.  Slowly, we started to back up and skunk looked right and then looked left.  Skunk raised up that famous tail to indicate something, not sure what.  Skunk turned tail but, defying the phrase, did not run.  Sunk waived that tail.  We took another step back and noted a leeward position.  Skunk looked over at us with a deep gaze, a penetrating stare projecting from black emotional eyes, a haughty look that dared us to not fly away like pigeons in front of a train.  Skunk was about to take the bridge.

But here is what I’m thinking right then:  How much shame would incur, running away from a skunk as our forefathers did for eons and their forefathers before them?  And how much honor would come from facing that skunk and collecting the toll due to mankind, mankind whom dug that canal and engineered that bridge over?  Either way, lots and lots. 

In lieu, to wit, I stepped forward and the skunk bounced up and down twice, like a basketball, on nimble hindquarters then waddled off the bridge.  We pursued cautiously.  Skunk was lingering there at the end corner so we cut a wide turn.  But I wanted to get closer and interview the skunk for some post-game analysis or maybe to just remind that skunk that they still stink. 

On tip-toes, approaching I felt like a gladiator and the skunk felt like a mighty skunk.  The skunk took one last look and with a wrinkled nose rumbled into the bush and away. 

No spray.

*not to be confused with mediocre, mediocre being a different word.

Sunday, February 25


some gnomon turns
noon into four
the remainder
same angle geese
measure when five
get together and go

Saturday, February 24

years between ears

he was a silver cutting tool
she was a silvercutting tool
side by side
equal parts measured
poured from the same spot
ivory shims
bones within
with whispers for tread
apart from them tears torn
wings on the porch
left fluttering in the wind
plucked out the dust up the back winder
sun battering the door reminder
black spiral rote thinker
sits to spring in
knows who boils things
gargoyle railing thin
hunger under a dappled coat hem
greatest patience friend
to who best understands

Friday, February 23


the blanket of white
the snow blood
dark spots
star brights

Wednesday, February 21


outside of
their body
ducks dont
take up much
space extant
archimedes solution
of course
dive they
must through
milwaukees turqoise
icthys skirts

Tuesday, February 20


ten groups of
ten ducks swim
go around and then
some rooms
if rooms
are ice of seagulls
effortlessly float by
watching particularly
waiting shades of
winter over

Saturday, February 17


How did I know it was heaven in fact? 
Well its hard to say for sure; I don't have anything definite to go on.

But for what its worth as pure conjecture, where else would a bar tender be a big beautiful fish wearing deerskin gloves that shone with a gasoline sheen under the schlitz light?  This was some place for sure.

The sparkle of the rain on the chairs even had a diffident quality to it as if this was the same rain as the rain that never falls to earth, never mixes with the dirty soil, never is slurped up by vermin and curs.  In this sense, as a set of seven chairs comprising one objet d'art collectively, even the chairs made sense. Each rung had five or six pairs of socks hanging which were all dry despite the rain. This was some heavenly laundromat maybe with a bar and a bar tender fish wearing deerskin gloves. There was even a deer drinking water out of a tall chalice that was stamped with big bold letters in times new roman spelling out holy grail who was wearing calfskin gloves and who had recently retired from a long and distinguished career in bullfighting (front office).  I dint get to talk to the deer much or even very long at all because the phone kept ringing and it kept being for the deer.

But what I did overhear was that it had been raining for three days straight.  But get this: It wasn't even raining! It just looked like it was raining.  No one was even wet except for the chairs and the bartender who was a fish.  Anyway, I only lasted a little while there because they kicked me out because my laundry was all dry and apparently they have a policy about it and also I kept ordering drinks they didn't have with money I didn't have.

thaw a minute

steps into melts
hath winter half
given up drops
accumulate in convex
old shoes opt
out damn spot
hop scotch and off
depressed earth soft

Tuesday, February 13


the leeward snow
enters through the window
moonlight soft blue
though the sun
is up in
the kitchen running
puddling orange
on the fake marble floor

Sunday, February 11


january deer
a vulnerability
frozen on south bay
versions of trees stand
insurrection in insight
manifolds of thought

Monday, February 5


ice edged with eagles
boring in their viciousness
expecting nothing

Sunday, January 28


night ice a tenth
fox light treads out to open
water at first light

Saturday, January 27

on spring

dawn as
any other
the ground

Thursday, January 25

Tuesday, January 23


barely there flames
say blue
here and three
cold light
ghost compared
to spots
pin pupils tight
white hot cold coal black opposites


the dimensions reduced
wood burned to truest dust
useful stuff see books
shade dirt piles boats
look hard at the ashes
read a future what must


cannonball by firelight
pads articulate
combustion spontaneous stops
gone black gone sparks
abstruse haunts what caughts
coughs ivory dust
charts for water what
the moon hasnt given up


a mallard dives
high water lives
islands grow lines
some trying times

Sunday, January 14


why the cardinal
red at one end
sunflower or another
points hither tither
all day long sun
as if there is none
of the colors at night

Monday, January 8


few days ago last year
stood standing face
to an allusion of sun
till the wet throne froze
overnight from wave to white
there on top
waiting for ten to drop solid
tears and booms and cracks
the river talks of depth and death
walking from edge to back
listening to the ice
decide blue or oranger black eyes
perched on a line
still set
die in the wind

cold open
forever beholden

Saturday, January 6


white  oak leaf hindrance
not punctual nor portent
perhaps ambivlant

Wednesday, January 3


its a fine line
a step ill defined
miller indices isles
make the bay south
over head or feet shallow
angles on the coldest sun
t r i ll i o n
or immobile blind until spring
when redwingblackbirds
head back and wing