all contents subject to copyright by me, of me, for me.

Wednesday, July 30

jupiters great red spot

torrid flurries, crawl laminar walls
frozen gas as slush mist breaking a billious burst
tar red wheels open the thundering magneto spigot
strewing mold straw solvent corsairs across
a rushing tide a million years wise
rippled with cats eyes and gnewts pies the witches
brewed up an alien sky bitter cashew curls feathered edges
resting interlocked with the calmest clashes
and the layers to say nothing of the layers
indistinguishable from libraries and just plain old ice
making its never ending fall

the gold is under the skin

a shimmer and flash
pulled out of the currents catches
drifting with teeth outreached
to bite passing basses

the skin with thin plates
I love them all on sight
the colour of the sun and the coolness of the moon
the slip of eelgrass and the smell of willow roots

the persistence of clouds

above the blustery water
the clouds are dark and mutter
about rain and blocking the shine

and why doesn't the wind bother
them as it flutters our feathers
down here, as persistence matters
it must be colder than hotter
for a cloud is closer to the other