all contents subject to copyright by me, of me, for me.

Thursday, July 30


wicked as the breezes are regular
from the lake to the inland breaks
those nighthawks fly in perfect light
diving on those other ones who die
as such must

in the backyard the listen of the walnut tree
the gilded green swishes
a motion that is so out of reach
that viciousness of leafs hushes

and other non-dimensional constants


the heights look finite
as determined by the flutter
the swallows with new feathers
find their ceiling and hit it
turbulent stirs them up there

country in town

the leaves shudder and flys swarm
up the wind rises by
between the starcraft
the path brushes the rough
legs touched here just a hair
the queens anne's lace a new embrace
all edges just fringes

Sunday, July 26


and the wind starts to wind up
for now just whiffs wild swinging
trees arc over and take time
tracing parabolas carrying cicadas
who roar all the while
all the birds that usually fly
are absent in tonight sky

Friday, July 24

so called

soft as as as the scrape
the lean in of the queen
anne's lace the golden
rods that take a piece
each swipe wishes for a swim
after the sun before the rain
which will happen when again

Thursday, July 23


the low light does one or two
of the queens annes laces
justice pure in both eyes
the center swirls
the forms each petal purls
pulling off a miracle
open closed or half furled

Wednesday, July 22


the line practically
on the cleat tied
on their own
singularly pluraly
neither described
fine as is i
times mine. then
penelope tries
them rime
november shine

continental dollars

let me wish on your stars
says I to the dandy lion
who is in the yard
far fewer in between
the vivacious species
they preen and gleam
and so grow the rushes
down by the creek
where the bucks
float away
on their backs


the shade is inviting
to the egyptian proboscis
biting and diving
hitting a vein
cavernous flow
the river my sorrow
tomorrows itch today
swollen flying away

Sunday, July 19


the maple thinks
of birds much
as indicated here
and there on each
and every branch
clusters of twin wings
still and green yet
when hard brown
down they go cutting
the soft air to ground


cicadas already
at seven thirty
up in the black locust
flight so erratic
in this windy light
appearing beatific
and emerald black

Saturday, July 18

invasive species

the mosquitos land on some bad spots.
this is true. the joints of the limbs
being the worst.  their bites are not
so bad as the way
they lift their
legs up in the air

a proboscis
for blood
me a flower
for one
aedes aegypti
or some


bonne temps

onto the last ribs
river water drips
the late night
and morning swim
patterns and visions
dips in is habit

Wednesday, July 15

party island

yesterday we swam
where we swam before
the rock was lava
the geese walk on
and poo is how they do it
the roses are thriving
ants are still yellow
some of us slipped
some of us hit
zebra mussels in the shallow
the high water is growing
further up they say from there
where are the straws
slim pickings
we draw them and win
or lose and swim
back and forth back and forth

on turbulence

swallowing the surface
never the deep water
where the current is cold
fast river bending
the eel grass this
way and that way
undulating under water
as much the same
bowfin at rest even
ready to disappear yet
still after millions of years

Tuesday, July 14

degree to heat

the gunwhale is underfoot
the waves peak and trough
the ribs touch off
and blow the spot
wide open done enough

Monday, July 13


the rain cuts a blinding line
baking governers then pine
then bluff then the rock
into our minds
thunder has our hands tied
watch the drops froth
and the bay leap forth
to meet the clouds with more
all of the same
and then we swim away


all late nights end
the river dark night
off trail a hill over
listening to boats list
in the narrows and drop
and walk back into a case
of two at the crossroads
and other kids before bed
make sure to be washed