all contents subject to copyright by me, of me, for me.

Friday, February 27

night makes day bright

have you never noticed that the
 other side is
less bright being badly scratched and
scraped, blasterized and
puckered up like dried grapes

the star shines brighter
 on one side too
in february at night

so you dont see it
but for the moon

Thursday, February 12

fat feathers

red white goose brains
dipping cooling oiling
feathers slick zipped
black grey smooth lines
sitting swimming flapping
nipping weeds ice edge napping
effortless above bellow paddles


snow laced with the train track crack
black brakes stopped and scratched
hazzard a glass a motion that passed
fifty five kilotons of liquified gas
ready to blast a flag forever half mast
missive and mashed people in traffic
the panic running the gamut
flamed hazmat crazed salmon
swimming half assed golden unlatched

Wednesday, February 4


chimney bricks baking the air black

the last matches blown out fast

half masts flapping for killed ass

ask a flask if liquid cracks

or white tinged lips wont stick pinched

fixed incomes leaking richs

porcelain sinks drifting spinning missing spouts

horse hoofs south

where the mason tilts about

a floating lake

ice is growing from the top down
as an economic miracle
just so frozen, preserved for an eternity
of snow to dust and cover all the evidence
what distinguished earth from heaven
but the beaver knows which side to choose
when the pond floats on itself,
upside turned down from the coast

the still curtain

in the shelter of a thousand nails
the air is still and damp
the freshest breath stirs a trail of myth
to the wall and back

the fabric has a length that is as long as it is wide
but not so many holes as moths