all contents subject to copyright by me, of me, for me.

Tuesday, November 30


the leafs are off 

the wind has toys

the trees feel free

the sun finds shade

Friday, November 19


lost in the pavement are stones

immobilized records of moments

transition metals and elements rarer

feet stepping hither and thither


on hard ground again a fine
edge on every green blade
a mirror held up to the sun
this morning I walk at a run


the title of the sun is written

across the vision

just minutes 

the waves go

some stole the show

the sand should sparkle

here the teeth are black

to reach down brown eyes

yes that is one that is some

Wednesday, November 17


slowly the near round reduces

when in wet contract into ground

time and july worms consume

foot and step and frost and tooth too

Thursday, November 11

on newton

as far as an apple falls

the tree at an extreme sense

in the future and past tenses

that release some understand

especially those standing

underneath the orchards reach

Tuesday, November 9

so a salamandar

there lives the salamandar
down at the bottom
where two ravines defile
a mountain and define
a gully where water
and junk collect
or if not that then
low lower from where
here is a gneiss and feldspar
home away from what
is nice and normal according
to regular people
and the tax collector

a beach

when the ocean broke open
a tern submerged
while the pelicans booked hours
the porpoise is the mammal
to observe the art
another one becomes
without purpose overt

a beach without end nor start

warming up

the house is and was cold
foot steps from the silver cloud
the earth touched and then undone
a stagnant froth grown rough

deep and silent enough to stress bones
the elbow into the side to steady
the ashes the ready bucket

a tree had died
these are those
into the stove
striking the match
the embers now glow