all contents subject to copyright by me, of me, for me.

Tuesday, April 28

again rain

all on the lawn
the rain fills the dirt
no one more neon
than the noon grass
grown higher since last
wednesday and despite it
or to spite it perhaps
the sparrows chirp
and the robin
makes busy work
yanking worms up in
a tug of war
with the earth

Saturday, April 25

april showers

alternate of mud
not on this day
from the sun
the lake risen
northern exposure
barely new leafs
jade green peek
listening to drips

hardcore jollies

coming accross the lake
riding two white seagulls
floating in your drink
a special interest group
of hydra and prokaryotes
thee I sing

Tuesday, April 21

monday : why

now that tuesday in drab burlap
sacks for clothes including
has broken the reins and reduced
the fraction plane where divisor
and divisible play with our gains

on the corona

the shadow the apple
tree catches along
with a cartwheel
full of sparrows
the occasional
arrow of red
lands and tracks
north to south
written in the colour
grass is known for

Monday, April 20

sunday: why

an early sun
primitive light
showing worms
slugs and snails
where to hide

Sunday, April 19

on belgians

the belgians the belgians
the belgians all bad news
how bad could they be
real bad real bad bad
as a heavy wine stain
on satin linen
or a belgian on a river
a river not yet damned
they cry don't throw us in
we shant deserve the comparison
with the demons and lepers etc
but we know the truth
by now the pearly gates
have hung a sign


since four or so
oclock eyes seeing
things blooms vagrants
leafy grotesqueries
and vacant bugs
with lots of shell
and little wings
flying into sight

on cutting

told these arms to
hold then toss
the hammer rises
black meteor
heart meters
out sweat
drop and split

Saturday, April 18


over on the next block
twenty two cuts
and this morning
loaded in the back
hearse like black
car and saw

Friday, April 17

a parable

robin isn't red yet
robin isn't well read
robin is cross walk boss
robin is all accross
robin spits caustic
robin hedges bets
robin gets yet
robin early bird
robin winds up
robin at the bat
robin strikes out
robin loses worm
robin on the dole
robin covid sole

Wednesday, April 15


pewter clouds depending
upon the evening
a gradient a passing
of eyes over heaven

snow in april

cardinals and the less
handsome birds crowd
around the red feeder
forming almost a corona
above of feathers
creating breeze a blur
for bleary eyes

Saturday, April 11

fifty and partly cloudy

face up in the bullrushes
laid out with the best of them
the sun can find and make me
black with red wings birds
and grackles too
and sometimes wood ducks
breaking the air into two
the peepers keep their silence
a minute and resume
their list lists longing
over the edge of the earth
rain looms

Thursday, April 9


Here we are right here at the end where the end meets the beginning.  They say that the end justifies the mean and that is true for the end is really an all, an average, where the start is measured up at the finish.  And everything must end.  There comes a time when one must say finally, "Stop! this is it! leave me here on this rock with these other frogs! I have been stepped on and swum too far and been swallowed by this heron and have been frozen and unthawed again and again and this is too much this time.  This is the sum!  I am done!"  And that is fine.  One must respect oneself and thus one must respect that. The fortitude of the frog to face day in and day out a world that made sense for millions of years and no longer continues to is immense and one should not expect for anyone who has been the same for eons to have to accept that always will be less than different than all of everything up until now.  One must say, and mean it too! "Good work frog, we recognize your commitment and resolve and decision to stop being a frog.  We wish we had the same humble attire and could of ourselves say, also, yes, I too learned how to swim and how to turn my tail into a pair of legs and learn how to breath through lungs and to turn my gills outside in and to really amount to something in life as you have done, Herr Frog."  Then one could march down to the main drag and with a feathered pen put their preferred nom de plume down on an expired check and select the three columned trophy with the gilt plastic rocket launching off into the great unknown from a rectangular cold block of italian marble and ask the old ex-con proprietor to please scribe an epitaph worthy of a napoleon, a hannibal, a ghandi, on a plate of the finest brass and one could march back to the frog and make a short speech as outlined.  That would really justify the end and mean a lot.

Wednesday, April 8


its nasty and
looks like a cloud
out there
the vapour envelopes
a sinister letter
extra alphabet
a variable not
defined yet

Tuesday, April 7

nathanial hale

would old nathan hale get up
and get the axe and saw
to fall and split the tree
the green all gone
black against the sun
and under the sky
as tall as night tomorrow
that yesterday they said
would on a bough find
him high and dry?

burr oak

and at every one I
swung down on
like the all the sun
beating out the red blood
from the heart branches
sawed and splintered
now neat in piles
waiting to return
as hot as I am now