all contents subject to copyright by me, of me, for me.

Wednesday, August 28


keep the burrs
guessing the day
that hands close
around shadows
like noons noose
pulling up or what


tomatos to be green
still and the wind whips
tasking stalks on a dip
tasting the tired dirt
stakes ask for a hand
tomorrow with string
understanding which band
f(ro)m am to pm
absorbing their take


done that one
two does it work
down pour town
time to find out

Monday, August 26


these the sun sums
up to the heart
the stalks bent
water weighth an eighth
of a ton I speak a tongue
worth with all
and for all its worst


After the cherries peaked they went killer sour. The robins and starlings came and got drunk on cherries. Every morning soused birds bobbed on the stairs and sat stumbling around the yard.

Sunday, August 11


gone gone gone
wind who catches
what ever tries
times divides
blind spots in
and out of line


so crazy fresh
robins careen about
this branch that branch
trajectory is cursory
to two who are friends


in the breeze
in the branches
in the breast
the sparrow heart
beats on the ones
and twos those
gusts and blue


in a violent way
all silent all be it
bites all over with
the touch of us
a plunge a minute
a finish enough

Wednesday, August 7


the light of august
is arresting and
whatever it is
is abberant
that does this
to us