all contents subject to copyright by me, of me, for me.

Sunday, March 31

thee, mole

mighty was the mole
who emerged too soon
who forsook life for you
who forgot to look out
who over and above is
still and blind still in death


on the views
talking high
trying eyes
each line
trees binds
tiny islands

Thursday, March 28


let that rest
less is letters

send them in a bottle
and watch them never
arrive here because
where is here
its not there

a barque
a hull
a bath
it all

at the dock
at anchor
in the drive
behind the car
under foot
over head

if a wizard of penance
was i wishing i was
with all aluminum holes



like the lion on the lamb
winter had the deep bite
holding onto about ten inches
frost in the shadows
trees stark before the sun
suddenly hot against
on our windy eyes
and spring on the lam
those are the shade birds
dust under bare branches
baths where the grass is gone

Tuesday, March 26


looking into the west
the sky just sets
as a flock of geese
descendants of the rest
lets down on less
is as a rare earth
crust or mush

Monday, March 25


on the robins note
the sun also minds
rising higher too

towards a
heaven pragmatic
and down here 
the axe works
for next winter

swinging in between
each listening


Wednesday, March 20


such is the light dull
the balance sums up
to nothing over zero
long division cut short
lassitude hemisphere
showing little
above mud

the cranes are flying

from the grey sky
the same size
wide jibes and tacks
wings frantic make
a landing soft
in march
in frigid melt
in new marsh
looking to make quick
pickings are slim
the brown grass bent
lapsed silhouettes


as fast as medium
goes on legs bent
perpetually and for ever
that what
constant is
thats whats
content if

Friday, March 15

the fish and the see

the vatican is vast
and money don't last
when pope goes shopping for fish
the retail is fine
but a scale weighs a dime
and dore is all the list lists

the fish is a scene

on each and every* eve
the fish makes a dutiful plea
facing towards heaven
the fish tries to leaven
the bread that each of us needs

the fish is a saint!

(pronounced ever airy)

the fish and the sea

the fish and the sea
see, what more can there be
if of all that is known
not more can be shown
then those two are all that we need

Monday, March 11


burnt ends the edge collects
pining over our squares
cutting corners

Sunday, March 10


standing over the stove
letting a pancake go
asking for perfection
wishing for half as much
bubbles emerge touch and burst
one flip and then
plate and fork
settling on gold

Thursday, March 7


this is the acid wood
the residual scent left
fingers singed and nostrils wrent

embers to build a bed upon
ideally stoked all last night
half way through awake
to hear the fire lost in space

Saturday, March 2


The bisquit hit
Skitters and skips
Coriolis and misses

Friday, March 1


some unlike ivy green
a patience so silent
under the snow those
who move and whos
lives depend on it
little mathematics
flakes filling banks
the richest vole
the brokest fox