all contents subject to copyright by me, of me, for me.

Wednesday, November 21


all there
riven and mended
in so many hours
at last haven

docked walked
descended embarked
hooked reeled
cutted served


a hemisphere
an influence
a convergence
an isotope

the heavens render
a seagull
a snow
a slow grey
the hearth red

a cord of wood
wont stack itself
get to work
make the corners
sock it in between

Tuesday, November 20


deep in the dirt
my beets cook whole
under water over flame
skin gives way
to thumb bites
red is good tonight


last train in at one am
up stairs to emerge under
square vaults of stars
streets where tired
businessmen shamble past
the pizza crackheads
dressed in wrecked etchasketches
and the international set
murmurers against walls lost but
huddled tired rich
looking for options they heard
exist I exit
over the maddening slush north
to sleep while the traffic seethes


off course we wheel
about languid
finally landing
in an unfamiliar
ark double parked
twice as long as round

the snow falls
the city stalls
arriving to depart

Monday, November 12


from the precipice
a swamp extant.
a breath extemporaneous
expelled by that gad
talking often of
the earth. soft:
the poplar; the cachou
sweetening whos orange
teeth, which, cacodylic
acid like, act to organize
the earth into pseudostasis
measures when level
where necessary even
splices chawed twice,
nary any gd&t mereley
a fixed oddysean system
participant in practice
stoic as locus


not one but two
not some but few
not them but you
not friends but choose
not ends but news
not winds but lose
not now but soon

Monday, November 5


one afternoon looks
upon all the geese
a big sun
and a broken field 
they alight among
yellow plastic bags
other trash too
stuck to corn stalks
they talk of soy beans
ejected from the tenant
farmers cash crop

Sunday, November 4

the migrants

robins not one to
disappoint appealing to
one who likes to
look at birds to
see flocks fly to
occupy a tree to
try with wind with wings
and descend to
find worms or to
stay steady and to
be so much