all contents subject to copyright by me, of me, for me.

Tuesday, October 30


us is why
a question


if october is a drum
then november is the fingers
numbed by beating
bluster does the hide make
two eyes tasked to find
a north a
magnet asks still mine

much adieu

the new rain
knocks on the new
eaves overtures
over the new
singles into multiples
how the turtle felt
steeped in razor grass
sentences wet with todo
a weekend away

in hot water

a few seconds while
the spaghetti cooks
boiling choices

rice is solemn
wheat is pleasant

don't get going
on those pseudo grains

dash off with of course
knife and fork
spoon in hand
greatest time ever had
watching the pot toil

Monday, October 29


a yard full of nails
is better than
a roof full of holes

Sunday, October 28


can i see for weeks
my breath express
condense depends
which room asks
for woven relief
mercurial bother heat
the answer teached
is yesterdays news
or to those
skilled in the art of
sweater sweater no sweat

Saturday, October 20


a scent of heavy lifting
arms and back breaking
laboring over potentials
and then potent potables
a fall ago enters embers
but first
the arid birch bark
smoke precedents and spaghetti
staples i seek

Friday, October 19

october again

almost cold enough
basil green now rust
apples with bites
squirrels into dust

Tuesday, October 9


a screw driver turns
a thumb blood
red complementary
to the blues

Friday, October 5

things rearrange

on the corners the borders
when once gold
every night takes tolls
the idle growth gets old

a pattern develops
some intermittent
erratic and close up
static light in\spite
wave lengths so goes
cold from away makes

on the porch
ash a maple
oak etcetera
some with mud
in a month dust 


yellow at the window
in the kitchen
a reminiscence

white flowers bushy
dendrites reach out
knee brush

slow grass longs
a brittle eigth
anticipates frost

past time

for every baseball
thrown some remain
at home immobile
in stitches over
those judged to be
a strike a foul

Thursday, October 4


the summer deep bows
now become shallow
from the roots
cantilevered and proof
of all the sun revokes
moving north to off
where the charts fall apart

Wednesday, October 3


Shimmying Bug!
Yes, you with the wings
     twice   bodice
antennae twice that too

feel me
with    those
corrugated uninhibitors

Monday, October 1


now the cold tap
pours warm
filling three decades
of october hands
a gradient to climb

over night she downs
settles into the corners
the cuffs and steps
bare feet take heed
phonons left each