all contents subject to copyright by me, of me, for me.

Monday, January 30

at the beach [friday visa vis saturday]

have hat
will travel
panther strikes level
seven fingers gavel
willful negligence
lawsuit follow
dollar daylight
twenty scholars
hard rock mahlers
solid marbles
martial seagull swallows
unions organic
organ keys natural
c# red apple
given such hastle
morning is asked
what more lasts
every day same
sun makes rain
comatose gasps
cormorant black
wet wings bat
water and all that

Thursday, January 26

crown of thorns

lewd grains and shooting pains
the slivver of chance
sends shivers of happenstance
the nerves of broken skin
open things , impartial ins
avenused for pathogens

GB 15-1

busted diatribes
allocated signs
limits and loads
bearings and modes
horses and smoke
power and yokes
grounds matter
teeth blather
punches skatter
yields after

Sunday, January 22

rebel held

the mountains are old
and the notions of so
are even degrees away
sit still hear the people speak
of racoons and what they eat

down here, around here, up here
               the racoon is immortal
                        unless on a fence

the induced flow off
loft trickles out sloughs
soft spots form the grit
for the tribology of intransigence

yes                    and no
appellation in name only


Saturday, January 21


the wind is a tax
taking hundreds and thousands
left pockets flapping
or on the beach
tumbling dollar weed
to be picked up by a
sweaty tanned man
pot belly jetty
wading through waves
like a big fat rock with legs.

Saturday, January 14

Hern as Potter

at the shop is heron
casting coy glances
passing frigid hands on wet vases
the glazes pondish in reminscences
a portable puddle
fit for green leapord frogs
and the fattest of fishes

Saturday, January 7

at a A

A is the letter with panache 
stylish and sharp yet carte blanche  
as Cartier made way for Plante 
Y is upcoming and slants 
famous for the branchings of plants

before a A

gone the waist
waste deep wait
and slog and wave

passing harmonies
chatter of ivories
rattle on tympanies

the broom of white spectrum slush
rhubarb leafs and dry anharmonic stuff
unappealing but common enough

night skate

the lights shine on
in the dark my fingers freeze
fumble laces standing tied
arc around the bag of pucks
pick gloves up
and cruise over to the dip
over bumps and raised footprints
the ice is hard and crazed
and me also crazed
and thats what gets forget
and the world
if ever there was only ice
ever smooth ever nice

Friday, January 6


green vats
fast spinning caps
stirring solutions
to break constitutions
steel under fathoms
slender unto atoms
lost before they quit
tossed when they missed

Thursday, January 5


 in oil water
 she float head down
 for big bald eagle gulls
 to scream at
 by millions of dollars
 tied at both ends.

 the catch come in
 dirty little boats
 nothing to boast
few red fish to gut
men hammering
at encroaching rust

Tuesday, January 3


hear delicacy
crying fry me
across the room
knives open
drawers undone
unwilling to close
to the dark of the tawny hue
frail in the slightest
gloom red floors woven
in wood the avenue of dread
the fingers that leak
paladians to fight past
midnights built bonfire walls
cold ice breaks stone
hot water scalds some
but as due is fresh
is done as when fish rest
eyes mouths unblinking in bed