all contents subject to copyright by me, of me, for me.

Tuesday, September 27


shore is rocks
green slime dried
hard brown crust
spools of eel grass thrown up
bullfrog waiting on us
to say something filled with meaning
a moment of lucid advice
a frog may use

at the wall minks
track sand into the cribs
grit to rub black grease off of hands
stop and stand with twenty pounds
hot rocks bring the sun to necks
fingers feel the center of the earth
pressure and heat waste no time
an organization of different kinds
reworked into stacks kinda tall as man

Monday, September 26

the four hundred pound terrorist

sitting on his/her bed
four hundred pounds of him/her spread
two hands of fingers to keys
between sausages and sweets to teeth
hacking the polling places of keystone states
misrepresenting intentions of americans

leaking the dirt from under the bathroom cans
the undigested wastes of the ruling classes
opened to stink, supposedly misleading the masses
two hundred pound keysters
sitting on their raymore flannigan couches
listening to the rulers follow the rules backwards

Saturday, September 24

dont kid, i know you jerk

same as the fall
in the river warm
cap size is relevent
to water levels sent
up river from down here we cut scissors
into hammers and chissels
give meambition into swaths and the ddep
the fish stack and leap
gather anchor line
pitcher bilge plumb mushroom
toss the deck
frogs necks are sorry soft as heck
sit all day on the weeds
you are too much your web feet splay

Tuesday, September 20

solstice upon us

the water drops
the birds flock
the sun sets back from summers spot
the wind blows hot
until its not
and autumn around the corner knocks

Sunday, September 18


teeth to finger
in the back of the boat slime lingers
gills bleed red on blue gunwhales
pearlwhites open up the hidden not just to fresh airs
a filter for millions of stars
river grass galore
wherever accumulations, snails tally scores
meandering turtles from wee to belabourer


repeaters everynight to sleep
waves rock the feet steady knees to the beat
a minute or ten digits hold each piece
of washed quartz a figment more of each
flying floating squirrels again
the mythology on a continents edge
spend several days find out weeks ahead

Saturday, September 17

in south bay

weeds send life to the top
seeds wend stalks to the off
chance the breeze
brings bees

star craft

and out from the cut
throttle uppp
throw those legs over
adjust the stuff
skip off the rough
settle the rattle
aluminum across a hard moon
leopard spotted eel
tossed by an unknown wake
foam going home
iron lungs fill float above

the victory garden

but for soft hands
in the oak fronds
strong arms await dawn
sunned on

Monday, September 12

last of us

cool september breezes
smells of some season
sunshine casts longer lines
missing time i dont mind
golden black eye aster past
wake aft and softer rides faster ask
the handout duck
the swimming squirrels tails lost puff
the bass and drums circle glacier crumbs
the goose convoy and sleep in arrears
the last midges free to fly
let them in lend them friends
a hat of lunch or something untouched

Saturday, September 10

LUVVADUKK (excerpt)

When Miyamoto Musashi was young, 
he used 
to range through 
the pastures with a select branch 
and cut the flowers
.  Better to practice on flowers 
before cutting necks.   
Aloo Tra Luvvadukk was the unofficial 
executioner and the official gardener 
for King Codbok in the year elevenhundred 
and practiced the reverse
.  Now, present day
, Luvvadukk chopped the joe pye weed 
as a matter of singular and abject poverty
.  But how much of our boredom is instinct 
and how much instinct is handed to us down the pathways?    

My guess is a primrose.

Thursday, September 8

nuisance geese

down there is geese
paddling through problems
babbling through blank
thoughts of what not
not that there is any
it would be funny
if they where not too many