all contents subject to copyright by me, of me, for me.

Saturday, March 22


Slooped by way of the Stoop
you stop to slip in slop drop
ass flat back smack blasted flattening as a pancake
building as in earthquake rotten verbotten
not gotten off scott free to see a plea deal
the feel an orange peel fill pneumatic wheel
no matter that seal, no fatter the seal, the badder the chill
the adder has gills swimming under the sills crym~ spills
and people eat their pills whilst the wind howls and howls and howls
how wow about your own outback subaru kungfu hairdo chopped and screwed
together with yellow lead its better brittle soft in the middle but dont fiddle
with it or wish it lost forever in a blanket of white soft leather
feathers fearless wheather we'd rather not have either.

Thursday, March 13

making a snow man

making us laugh in
the jaws of a lion roaring in
ripping up our windy pants
hairs faces tissues even
blowing noses, eventually brains, all the starts in the cosmic
universe glittering around and on and on and on and on in tornatos
ankles obscured soon knees
feeling left behind in gloves burried fingers up to our arms
adrift on a cloud



fee fie foe fum, I electrocute the blood of a
multicellular bum

Tuesday, March 4

Hail Hail Freedonia Land of the Brave and Free

"What was that little thing you called me?  Worm?, no, not worm, UPSTART!  yes, that was it! How dare you?  This means WAR!"

"And God forbid if any of the servicemen tries to shoot their own people, we will be standing behind them - not in front, but behind. Just let them try to shoot women and children!" 

-   Vladimir Putin née (Rufus T) Firefly

Monday, March 3

in god we trussed

cranes to see, to lift,
the bracket paragons a frame fits
fifty arm chairs above
 the pebbled roughs who walk stiff and puffed
limits on height a dragon wished
though never a bird parched up there there be

for far and few between I know
a black lattice horizon groans
spinning on bearings north and north
were standed at ease
in the burning breaze

lines descend to beyond earths crust
devils directions heave them up
hooks and chains in slo-mo whip
pythagoras as given in a book


blue christmas

I'll be having a blue Monday
Suede wings, wafting some smoke
the city vents its frustration thats indivisibly polar
cloud factories one and all
choo-choo trains our gobs
marring glass vision with crystal prismisms